The Master's Sandals Embrujo Dos
Life can change so much when we start loving and believing in ourselves.
The second book in The Master’s Sandals series continues the story from book one and brings to light the expansion and unity expressed by others through allowing the same awareness that is present in all beings to change their lives.
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Where did we come from? What are we doing here? Are we alone in the universe? Where can we get those answer?
This book is about an inner dialogue that started when I was a child and has led me to the answers within. You might relate to my story of struggles and pain that most humans go through in the process of remembering who they really are.
My Master Sandal's is a series of books on the road to enlightenment. It reveals the interactions to which all people have access.
This book is a co-creative experience written by two friends totally in-tune with the voice within.
My Master Sandal's captivates the reader by connecting with their intuition and calls them forward in their journeys. It inspires others to their potential and reminds them of the desires within their hearts, leading the reader back to a place of recognizing we are all one.
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So much to say, where do I start? Let's start that I couldn't put it down, it takes you on a beautiful journey, if you want to know what is the meaning of your existence, why are you here, and why are you suffering, why are you feel lost, and how to find joy true happiness, the deeper meaning, of Love and through those emotions find your true self, then this is a book for you ..take a chance, on yourself you may like what you will find this book is a tool for you ....much gratitude to Israel Kelly and Mario Arturo Ramos WeR1.......
Respect - Proud - Grateful - Honored...are just some of the words which come to my head right now as I just finished reading this touching and empowering biography. There are not enough words of encouragement, empathy, and Love which cross my heart. This is a bitter-sweet book that shows that it is possible to lift oneself into the light. Not many beings on this planet can say they did it but Israel Kelly can - I am honored to know you and being able to walk along your side and that you made the loving space for me in your heart of hearts and allowed me into the most painful and private places in your heart. A big thank you also to Mario - you couldn’t have had a better person to co-write this beautiful book with! Gracias .........
Heidi E.
So much to say, where do I start? Let's start that I couldn't put it down, it takes you on a beautiful journey, if you want to know what is the meaning of your existence, why are you here, and why are you suffering, why are you feel lost, and how to find joy true happiness, the deeper meaning, of Love and through those emotions find your true self, then this is a book for you ..take a chance, on yourself you may like what you will find this book is a tool for you ....much gratitude to Israel Kelly and Mario Arturo Ramos WeR1................
David Vertes
I highly recommend people reading this masterpiece
Karin Zimmerman
I cried tears of joy to be able to hold this book in my hands in a finished physical copy. It is here. It is real. It is the best biography/autobiography and book in general that I have read. Raw transparency on this level is tough. One person who has gone from being fully trapped & immersed in nearly every kind of trauma from years has gotten to an elevated state of joy, happiness & success as a permanent lifestyle. The point is that you are understood & never alone. What is possible for one person is possible for you too. It will inspire you to know that someone who has been through so much (or has been through just as much as you) has overcome it - not only to a place of neutrality where he is not affected anymore, but to a place where there is only peace, love, & harmony 🖤
Michelle Kandell
This story was very vulnerable and honest. It showed how struggles can shape your life. As well as bring you tp the realization that we are all one. Everything is connected even if we are all experiencing life in different ways.
We all know there is a little voice inside of us. Yes, we hear it many times BUT do we really listen? As you read this book you will embark on a journey so gripping from the very beginning. You can't put it down! The guidance Israel was able to receive by listening to that inner voice is truly amazing. After reading this book I promise you will begin to listen to the voice within you. It is life changing!! We ALL have that voice within us! give yourself the gift of MY MASTER'S SANDALS.
J & P McAleenan
So, Yeah I read this book!!!! This book takes you through every emotion, every imaginable obstacle in life and more! I felt so apart of this journey while reading it, I want to cry, scream and just when I wanted to tell you what to do as a Reader, you yourself, your oneness and awareness was guiding and talking to you. Your humble kindness being, unconditional love seeps through each page, it’s no wonder you are you, I can’t find the exact words to describe the connection and transformation this book has had upon me, It solidly confirms I am where I’m suppose to be and totally magnifies that we are one!!!! Thank you Israel Kelly for this opportunity to read your life and thank you Mario Arturo Ramos for bringing it to life on paper. Continued blessings and I want to pre-order the Sequel.
Trudy Trujillo
Thank you for sharing true life story, congratulations on first book Israel Kelly. Much gratitude, I am grateful to know you.
Mulumbet Nunu Regasa
Really an eye-opening story that teaches us that everything that we are or have gone through has a deep profound purpose. We find ourselves and our strength through our process of evolving from the experiences that show us who we really are. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have read your journey as it opens up a whole new perception of gratitude at a deeper level. There is an insight that became clear to me through this process that can't be explained, but deeply felt. Big thanks to Mario Arturo Ramos as well for putting your words so eloquently together. We truly are all one. Much love Father Izzy
Tania Robichau
Touching, intimate, revealing account of your experiences both happy times and very sad times! Changed my mind about the photo
Diana Miles
Starting to read a great book and waiting for the next one Mario Arturo Ramos many congratulations, successes always. God bless you
Many More To Come!
Gratitude WER1